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- Volume 13, No. 2, February 17, 1995
- Mexican Rounds
- The latest effort by Mexican President Ernesto
- Zedillo to create an image of a strongly led,
- orderly country evaporated on Tuesday. After a
- five-day military offensive against the Indian
- villages in the mountains of Chiapas state, Zedillo
- called a halt to the army's operations.
- Mexican sources attribute Zedillo's shift to
- political advisers, who blamed the offensive
- against the Indian campesinos for the sweeping
- defeat in Sunday's elections in Jalisco, Mexico's
- second most populous state. The candidates of the
- ruling Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)
- [Institutional Revolutionary Party] for governor
- and mayor of Guadalajara lost. The candidates of
- the opposition Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN)
- [National Action Party] led their PRI opponents
- by 18 points when the votes were tallied. Though
- only 30 percent of the electorate chose to partici-
- pate, 75 percent of those who did voted for oppo-
- sition candidates.
- Jalisco's populace has little reason to love the
- PRI. Three years ago, government corruption led
- to an explosion of sewer gas that leveled a city
- block and killed some 225 people. The murder of
- the cardinal of Guadalajara two years ago remains
- unsolved; and the once-prosperous state economy,
- based on small-scale farming and businesses, has
- been seriously pinched by the free-trade policies
- of the last two PRI presidents, Carlos Salinas and
- Zedillo, who have opened markets to such big
- U.S. retailers as Walmart. The PAN governor-
- elect, Alberto Cárdenas, who won a reputation for
- budget-cutting good government as mayor of
- Jalisco's second-largest city, Ciudad Guzman, will
- have a lot on his plate, as will Guadalajara's PAN
- mayor-elect, Cesar Coll.
- In a night offensive last Thursday, troop-
- carrying helicopters arrived at remote Indian
- villages close to the Lacandon forest that were the
- homes and headquarters of the Zapatista National
- Liberation Army (EZLN). Their goal was to
- capture Zapatista leaders, starting with the green-
- eyed military commander known as Subcoman-
- dante Marcos, named by the government as a
- Jesuit-trained former college professor from
- Tampico Rafael Sebastian Guillon Vicente, 37,
- who quit teaching 11 years ago and disappeared.
- The troops found only the oldest men, women and
- children. The rest had fled into the surrounding
- forests.
- 1Mexican Rounds: President Zedillo's prob-
- lems of economic destabilization increased this
- week. It is the result of discontent with eco-
- nomic mismanagement, sympathy towards some
- of the reformist aspects of the Zapatistas, and
- the evaporation of the military campaign against
- them. International fears of debt service default
- and possible collapse of the U.S.-led bailout
- bring new pressure on the peso - and the dollar.
- 3Iran's Future: An in-depth report on Iran's
- theocratic leadership factions as the country
- moves towards the sixteenth anniversary of its
- Islamic and socialist revolution.
- 6Misconnects: While broad environmental
- issues remain a cause for many, concerns in
- 1995 are focussing on pragmatic issues.
- 7Yeltsin and the Security Services: While
- the health of President Boris Yeltsin remains
- problematic, his close supporters have created a
- stable, massive, clandestine and probably
- unconstitutional security apparat for the Krem-
- lin. The new "special services" are outside par-
- liamentary control and can terrorize the presi-
- dent's political opponents.
- 8The Final Frontier: Russians and Americans
- may get together in space, but feuds and U.S.
- complaints about conditions continue at the
- Baikonur Cosmodrome.
- 9Global Briefs: Shorter reports from Algeria,
- Fiji, Japan, Korean Affairs, Latin American
- Affairs, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uzbekistan
- and Vietnam.
- 11Jiang Zemin's Army: China's army, believed
- by many to be the key to the post-Deng transi-
- tion, is thrust into the limelight by a mass mur-
- der carried out by a disgruntled officer. The
- army, plagued with poor morale, failed draco-
- nian remedies and inflexible regulations, must
- remain the tool and never the partner of the
- Communist Party.
- On the weekend, after reporters were barred
- from the region, the Red Cross received reports
- that Indian villages were being bombed, leaving
- many civilian casualties; it began to withdraw its
- staff.
- The pressure for an armed offensive against
- the Zapatistas came not from the Mexican public,
- for the demands for democratic political reform
- and social programs issued by the EZLN have
- widespread support. Many Mexicans across the
- political spectrum credit the Zapatistas with gal-
- vanizing the national debate that has pressed the
- PRI and its entrenched old-style authoritarian
- politicians to accept gradual reform under the
- technocratic President Salinas. Rather, the pres-
- sure for sending in the army to crush the Zapatis-
- tas came from the New York-based Chase Man-
- hattan Bank and other creditors.
- A memorandum dated January 13, 1995,
- entitled "Political Update on Mexico" circulated
- by the Emerging Markets Group at Chase is cred-
- ited with sparking the sudden change in President
- Zedillo's policies. In part, the document said,
- "The government [of Mexico] will need to elimi-
- nate the Zapatistas to demonstrate their effective
- control of the national territory and security pol-
- icy." The memorandum made reference to the
- pending local elections and said, "The Zedillo
- administration will need to consider carefully
- whether or not to allow opposition victories if
- fairly won at the ballot box."
- Elections are pending in the states of Yucatán,
- Guanajuato, Baja California and Michoacán - all
- opposition strongholds.
- In Washington, the Institute for Policy Studies,
- that publicized the Chase memo, says its author is
- Riordan Roett, a distinguished Latin American
- scholar and liberal who in 1974 headed the Emer-
- gency Committee to Aid Latin American Scholars
- (ECALAS), an organization that helped sponsor
- Chilean political refugees into U.S. academic
- posts. Roett is director of Latin American Studies
- at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Interna-
- tional Studies in Washington; he is on leave-of-
- absence while serving as Chase adviser.
- Shortly before the memo was circulated, Roett
- spoke at a Washington panel on the Mexican
- economic crisis and its ramifications. There,
- Roett recounted that the top Clinton State Depart-
- ment officials he spoke with "were somewhat
- puzzled that Chiapas was of such concern to
- investors [since they felt] Chiapas is a tiny part of
- Mexico and Comandante Marcos does not appear
- to have nuclear power to use against Mexico City.
- But in this context, Chiapas becomes one of those
- drops, drops, drops of water that anticipates a
- great deal of anxiety on the part of the investor
- community."
- Roett insisted that despite the bailout efforts,
- foreign investors would not return to Mexico until
- their confidence was reestablished, meaning when
- the Zapatistas were eradicated, saying "It is abso-
- lutely essential to resolve the Chiapas issue from
- the investor point of view as quickly as possible."
- Roett acknowledged, "There are always political
- costs in bold action. If it cannot be resolved
- diplomatically; it must be resolved."
- "Even if this were a good year," said Roett,
- "from the investor point of view, Chiapas is one of
- the questions that I am constantly - constantly -
- hit with by investors in my Chase Manhattan Bank
- hat. They want to know why it isn't resolved, when
- will it be resolved, why can't it be resolved and
- what it represents."
- He warned that Mexican international currency
- reserves had fallen to $5.5 billion from $28 billion
- at the end of 1993. Even with the $18 billion
- credit line initially put together by the Clinton
- administration with other nations, said Roett,
- Mexico had access to less than $24 billion. In
- other words, he feared that Mexico would default
- on service of its debt, of which Chase and other
- U.S. banks hold a great deal. Thus, unless real
- support took place quickly, the collapse of the
- peso would pull down every other emerging
- market in the Third World and leave creditors
- looking at default.
- Interestingly, the huge investment funds and
- banks do not blame the collapse of the peso on
- the deliberate prolonged overvaluation of the peso
- in the face of serious inflation of the money
- supply by the PRI government in order to finance
- Zedillo's presidential election. Experts believe the
- peso should have been devalued heavily a year
- ago.
- Devaluation was postponed, claim many ana-
- lysts, for two reasons - to pacify the Mexican
- voters, U.S. investors and the U.S. Congress when
- the NAFTA vote was pending. The real culprits,
- the Mexican government would like the United
- States to believe, are the Mayan-speaking Indians
- of remote Chiapas state. On December 19, 1994,
- the Zapatistas staged their first demonstration
- since starting their rebellion in January. They
- took over three small towns to dramatize their
- demands that President Zedillo resume the dia-
- logue. The Zapatistas had held to their cease-fire
- through the election and Zedillo's December 1
- inauguration. Zedillo's failure to appoint a peace
- commissioner sparked the December 19th brief
- takeovers. It had nothing to do with the Finance
- Ministry's announcement of a 20 percent devalua-
- tion the next morning. Foreign investors saw that
- the Mexican government had deceived them [the
- Finance Ministry denied plans to devalue right to
- the end], that there was no transparency in the
- government's actions, and that surely the overval-
- ued peso would fall at least another 20 percent.
- As a result, they bailed out. Wednesday's debt
- default of Grupo Sidek, a large Mexican construc-
- tion conglomerate, precipitated another pounding
- of the peso, bonds and the Mexican stock
- exchange that dropped more than 6 percent that
- day.
- Zedillo's policy wobbles may give the old-time
- PRI warlords an opening to impose reactionary
- policies on the elections, the Zapatistas and their
- sympathizers, and detonate just the sort of explo-
- sion they hope to avert.
- Iran's Future
- The year has not opened propitiously on the eve
- of the 16th anniversary of the Islamic revolution-
- ary regime in Iran. Unprecedented torrential
- rains fell on Fars Province this month, sending
- floods rampaging down the Zagros Mountain
- ravines and flooding salt flat remnants of ancient
- lakes that dried up at the end of the last ice age.
- Villages were inundated; almost all the bridges in
- the province were washed away or seriously
- damaged. In the adjacent coastal province,
- Büsher, riverbeds normally dry overflowed and
- the port city of the same name suffered extensive
- flooding. The more northerly portions of the
- Zagros, northeast of Shiraz, the provincial capital
- of Fars, suffered a two-day blizzard.
- Iranians are having to take care of themselves
- after these catastrophes for the central government
- is hard pressed for resources. Individual Iranians
- [whether hanging out at shopping malls, standing
- on line for food, traveling in buses, or the pro-
- verbial taxi driver] freely express their cynicism
- over official corruption, mismanagement and the
- bullying excesses of the fanatical religious vigi-
- lantes, the hezbollahi [members of God's party].
- Individual Iranians are not punished usually for
- speaking their minds and expressing opinions
- because the mullahs [clerics] know it can not be
- stopped - but action can. If any try to organize
- opposition, the full force of the state security
- apparatus is directed against them.
- Indeed, there are questions as to whether the
- government of President Ali Akbar Hashemi-
- Rafsanjani remains standing simply because it is
- under attack by fragmented enemies. Just before
- his death last month, one of the regime's most
- revered secular democratic critics, Mehdi Bazar-
- gan, who served as Ayatollah Khomeini's first
- post-revolution prime minister, estimated that the
- committed supporters of the regime may number
- only five percent of the population, with most of
- them being Khomeini's hezbollahi rather than
- Hashemi-Rafsanjani's allies. Iran's president has
- been testing the waters for a constitutional
- amendment to allow him to run for a third term.
- Rafsanjani won reelection in June 1993 with 63
- percent of the vote against a divided field of
- weak candidates. When Deputy President for
- Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Hojat ol-Islam
- Ataollah Mohajerani tested the waters with Maj-
- les-e Shura-ye Islami [Islamic Consultative Coun-
- cil] deputies, the reaction was so strong he and
- Hashemi-Rafsanjani backed down for the time
- being. New maneuvers on the idea of a constitu-
- tional amendment were revived in January; but
- now the dominant clerical factions are rent by a
- new dispute in and out of the government.
- The dispute among the clergy was not caused
- by Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Araki, whose
- only fault was to die in December at the age of
- 106 and leave open the question of which cleric
- should ascend to the exalted position of Marja-e
- Taqlid [preeminent source of emulation].
- Hashemi-Rafsanjani and his allies decided the
- title should go to one of his political allies irres-
- pective of standing in the religious hierarchy. A
- list naming four ayatollahs as suitable candidates
- for Marja-e Taqlid was published in the English-
- language Iran News, a paper controlled by the
- president, and in the quasi-governmental Resalat.
- The list of suitable candidates was signed by the
- powerful Tehran Jame' Rohaniyat-e Mobarez
- [Society of Combatant Clergy]. The organization
- is led by Ayatollah Mahdavi-Kani, a member of
- the Assembly of Experts, who has been at various
- times prime minister, head of the revolutionary
- committees, interior minister and the official in
- charge of all the mosques. The list omitted the
- name of Iran's head of state Ayatollah Ali
- Hoseini-Khamenei. It appears that Hashemi-
- Rafsanjani has allied himself with Mahdavi-Kani
- to block a move by Khamenei and his faction to
- combine the supreme religious and supreme polit-
- ical offices in one person.
- In effect, Iran's president and the Tehran
- Combatant Clergy are arguing for a separation of
- the religious and political institutions. The oppo-
- sition is centered in the Jamae'-ye Modarresin
- Hozeh Elmiyeh Qom [Society of Qom Seminary
- Teachers] led by the chairman of the Assembly of
- Experts, Ali Meshkini, Judiciary chief Moham-
- mad Yazdi and Ahmad Jannati, an influential
- member of the 12-member Council of Guardians.
- They want their ally Khamenei to embody both
- the governmental leadership and the marja'iyat
- [condition, state or status of being accepted as a
- source of emulation] lest the leadership be weak-
- ened. The Majles issued a statement saying only
- Khamenei was worthy of the marja'iyat.
- A third group of "clerics within the regime" is
- said to have proposed the rehabilitation of Grand
- Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, deposed as
- Khomeini's heir because of his criticisms of the
- regime. There is a fourth faction - the Shi'ite
- clerical establishment at Najaf in southern Iraq,
- whose candidate is Ayatollah Sistani, successor to
- Ayatollah Abolqasem Khoi, who died under house
- arrest by the Iraqi regime. The only point on
- which the Qom clergy is united is that the
- marja'iyat should not go to Najaf.
- The stakes are very high for the clerical fac-
- tions. Those who oppose the regime and lose face
- prison, torture and execution. In a letter to the
- U.N. secretary-general, one non-clerical opponent
- noted that Yazdi, Meshkini, Jannati and former
- Minister of Intelligence and Information Hojjat
- ol-Islam Mohammad Mohammadi-Reyshahri wage
- a war of oppression against dissident clerics via
- the Special Court. It is claimed that more than
- 1,000 dissident clerics had been stripped of their
- posts, 1,000 more were imprisoned, flogged or
- banished, and 600 had been condemned to death
- [the number executed is uncertain].
- One sign of the government's unpopularity has
- been its ruthless suppression of any form of dis-
- sent. Last August, the Majles-e Shura-ye Islami
- rejected the petition of the city of Qazvin and its
- environs, an agricultural center of 750,000, 80
- miles northwest of Tehran, to be separated from
- Zanjan Province and allowed to form its own
- provincial government just as Tehran has its own
- provincial-type government. The issue was local
- self-government and control of taxes levied.
- When thousands marched in protest of the Majles
- ruling, the government reacted violently. Oppo-
- nents of the regime claim between three and four
- thousand were killed. The government said only a
- handful died. All local government officials and
- even the Friday iman [preacher] in the mosque
- [the Friday imams are appointed by and answer-
- able to the government] supported the people.
- For this "rebellion," save only the Friday iman, all
- lost their jobs and many their lives.
- In his last interview, Bazargan said that "the
- smallest movement, the smallest gathering of
- people, even a strike by workers or students is
- forcefully suppressed out of fear that it might
- spread." Bazargan died on January 20 in Zurich,
- Switzerland, of heart failure. Reportedly, the
- government delayed granting his family's request
- that he be allowed to seek medical help abroad.
- Tehran's official media said he was flown by
- helicopter to the hospital directly from the plane
- and was shortly pronounced dead.
- Some five years ago, Hashemi-Rafsanjani
- explained his reason for draconian measures quite
- forthrightly in a conversation with Bazargan and
- other opposition leaders. Said Iran's cleric-
- president, "When the Shah gave us freedom, we
- drove him out of the country. We will not repeat
- this mistake."
- Iran lists more than 70 legal parties, but they
- are powerless shells. Three groups count: the
- Tehran Militant Clergy, the Qom Seminary
- Teachers and the Fedaiyin Islam [Fighters for
- Islam] Organization, headed by Sadeq Khalkhali.
- All have large followings of Majles deputies.
- The regime has been brutal to Bazargan and his
- Iranian Liberation Movement. Bazargan, whose
- family hails from the eponymously named town
- on the frontier between Iranian Azerbaijan and
- Turkey, had the confidence and support of Iran's
- middle classes and bazaaris [small businessmen].
- He was known as a consistent democratic oppo-
- nent of the Shah and as a pious, devout Muslim.
- His presence as head of government gave the mul-
- lahs cover and a breathing space as they maneu-
- vered to take full power. He and his party have
- the potential to be a real threat to the regime.
- In subsequent Islamic Consultative Assembly
- elections, Hashemi-Rafsanjani used the certifica-
- tion board of Shi'ite clerics that he appointed to
- disqualify as unfit to run for public office his
- secular democratic critics led by Bazargan and in
- addition some of his critics among the clergy who
- charged Hashemi-Rafsanjani was failing to imple-
- ment the policies of Khomeini. Prominent among
- this group were two leading "red mullahs," both
- with the clerical titles of hojat ol-Islam, Moham-
- mad Musavi-Khoeinha, who orchestrated the
- occupation of the U.S. Embassy and subsequently
- was prosecutor general; and Ali Akbar Mohtashe-
- mi-Pur, who created Hezbollah while he was
- Tehran's ambassador to Damascus and from 1985
- to 1989 was interior minister.
- In mid-January, in what proved to be his last
- interview with a German publication, Bazargan
- recalled methods by which the Iranian government
- destroys potentially challenging opposition parties.
- A party is forbidden to publish and hold public
- assemblies; any who make copies of party
- announcements are arrested. The registration
- commission informed Bazargan that his applica-
- tion was rejected and his Iranian Liberation
- Movement was illegal - by law only a court can
- do that. He put no hope in Iran's courts terming
- the level of official corruption "breathtaking" -
- especially in Yazdi's judiciary.
- The secret police harass ordinary party mem-
- bers directly and using violent gangs of fanatics,
- the hezbollahis, as the devotees of the late Ayat-
- ollah Khomeini's teachings are termed. The
- intent of the regime is to isolate the party leaders
- from their supporters. Recently, the secret police
- recorded telephone calls of a school teacher and
- one of his female students, spliced the words to
- concoct a scandalous conversation, made the tape
- public and arrested the teacher, ruining his career.
- In prison, his tormenters boasted they were cut-
- ting off the branches of the tree so the roots
- would dry up.
- In Bazargan's opinion, perhaps only 5 percent
- of the populace actively support the Iranian gov-
- ernment. "Even among the ministers, functionar-
- ies, directors and clergy there are people who are
- against it and do not support the system."
- In the past, a few independent or opposition
- publications have been licensed. However, control
- over the media is exerted and maintained through
- the Ministry of Culture's monopoly on paper and
- newsprint. Publishing stories that displease the
- government brings a cut in the allocation - or
- sometimes outright banning.
- At the end of last week, Hashemi-Rafsanjani's
- government decided to strike indirectly at
- Khamenei by a ban on the newspaper Jahan
- Islam [Words of Islam], founded in 1991 and
- owned by a cleric, Hojat-ol-Islam Hadi Khame-
- nei, a brother of Leader of the Islamic Revolution
- Ayatollah Khamenei. The publication had run a
- series of interviews with former Interior Minister
- Mohtashemi, who often criticizes Hashemi-
- Rafsanjani's regime as abandoning the Khomeinist
- principles of export of the Islamic revolution and
- militant opposition to the West. In his private
- capacity, Mohtashemi has made many visits back
- to Damascus and the Bekka Valley of Lebanon to
- consult with Hezbollah [Party of God] leaders.
- Iran's clergy have divergent views of how
- strictly the population must be disciplined in
- order to make them conform to the precepts of
- Shi'ia Islam, under what conditions to have rela-
- tions with Western countries and how best to
- reconstruct the national economy.
- After 15 years of Islamic revolutionary rule,
- democracy is a shell and the per capita income of
- Iranians has been slashed in real terms despite oil
- exports. The wreck of the economy began with
- the upheaval accompanying the revolution,
- nationalization of major sectors of the economy
- and the eight-year war with Iraq. In the eyes of
- the revolutionaries, virtually any entrepreneur was
- subject to charges of collaboration with the for-
- mer regime. Even while the war with Iraq conti-
- nued, Tehran's bazaar merchants who put millions
- into financing the Islamic revolution against the
- monarchy were singled out as capitalist exploiters
- by the red mullahs. Hashemi-Rafsanjani has
- promised privatization and new laws to encourage
- foreign investment ever since becoming president
- six years ago. Movement in that direction has
- been slow. The main successes have been in
- persuading members of the Iranian diaspora to
- invest in the homeland.
- Throughout the war with Iraq, virtually noth-
- ing was spent on fundamental infrastructure ele-
- ments like roads, ports, communications and elec-
- trical power. Many of Iran's rural villages are not
- on the electrical grid - one reason the government
- has been promoting wind power and other alter-
- native sources of electricity for small villages.
- During the past 15 years, the population increased
- from 33.5 million to 66 million. Half the popula-
- tion is under the age of 20. The development
- plans of Hashemi-Rafsanjani largely have not
- been implemented because of corruption, wastage
- and diversion of funds to a huge military buildup
- that, according to the United States and Israel,
- includes a clandestine nuclear weapons acquisition
- program apparently sparked in 1992 when U.N.
- inspectors found Iraq's secret nuclear weapons
- factories and discovered Baghdad was about two
- years away from building and testing its first
- nuclear weapon when Saddam Hussein made his
- catastrophic decision to invade and annex Kuwait.
- For several weeks, Israel has been leading a
- campaign to raise U.S. awareness of the strategic
- danger posed to the Mideast - Arab monarchies
- and other secular states as well as Israel - by a
- future Iran with its fanatical mullahs able to
- blackmail governments with a modest arsenal of
- nuclear weapons jury-rigged to Chinese medium-
- range [M-9 and M-11] and North Korea's
- intermediate-range Nodong I missiles. Washing-
- ton also has said Iran is seeking a chemical weap-
- ons arsenal utilizing insecticide and chemical
- plants purchased from India and Germany - a
- move sparked by Iraq's extensive use of poison
- gas on the Kurdish villages in the mid-1980s.
- These reports coincided with the arrival early last
- month of Russian Minister of Atomic Energy
- Viktor Mikhailov to sign an accord to repair and
- complete the two 1,200-megawatt reactors at the
- Büsher nuclear-power plant nearly completed by
- Germany when the revolution took place, but
- bombed and seriously damaged by Iraq.
- This week U.S. Defense Secretary William
- Perry, an expert on defense technology, dismissed
- Iran's current program saying Tehran would need
- a decade or more to build nuclear weapons.
- Furthermore, Iran has not built even one reactor
- or missile on its own. As one Israeli expert on
- Iran noted, Tehran has been running a missile
- development program for a decade, so far without
- success. One Tel Aviv commentator recently
- noted, "Iran is a weak country, economically back-
- ward (GNP per capita is $1,400 compared with
- $14,000 for Israel), torn apart from within, no
- vision, no government, no military capability. . . .
- If Iran's leaders have decided to go for the
- nuclear option, they are doing so out of weakness
- and desperation." The further the nuclear weap-
- ons program progresses [and it will cost $30 bil-
- lion or more], said the writer, the further Iran
- will move from strengthening its conventional
- army, raising the living standards, education and
- supporting the networks of international terrorists.
- Yet, it is possible that Iran is thinking in terms
- of gestures and prestige. Obtaining by bribery
- two or three former Soviet nuclear warheads from
- Central Asia and affixing them to the Nodong I
- that has a range of some 600 miles and can just
- barely reach Israel may be the sort of use Tehran
- has in mind, or perhaps using it to blackmail the
- Gulf states and Iraq.
- The position of Hashemi-Rafsanjani and his
- relatively small support faction is far from secure.
- He needs Western technology and trade to rebuild
- Iran's infrastructure. Yet his government alarms
- potential Western trading partners by strident
- anti-Western rhetoric backed up by extensive
- terrorist operations against exiled opponents and
- open-handed support and arms for Islamic politi-
- cal revolutionaries throughout the Islamic world.
- Iranian leaders seem not to understand why West-
- ern governments feel outraged by the slaughter of
- Iranian political refugees in their capitals, bomb-
- ings of civilian buildings, embassies and airliners,
- and the training and arming of revolutionary
- terrorists. Since last year, there have been reports
- of Tehran's emissaries seeking meetings in West-
- ern capitals with Israeli considered close to their
- government asking in effect why they were upset
- by what Iranian officials say in public. Hashemi-
- Rafsanjani's need for Western loans has not low-
- ered the confrontational tone coming.
- Inflation and unemployment cause many hard-
- ships for those least able to bear them - the poor,
- the unemployed and the crippled veterans of the
- war with Iraq. Three million Iranians receive
- assistance from the foundations formed to manage
- the property of the late Shah and his supporters.
- Though charges of embezzlement and corruption
- attach to such entities as the Foundation for the
- Oppressed, headed by former Iranian Revolution-
- ary Guards Corps commander Mohsen Rafiqdust,
- 55, the pull of Islamic political populism has its
- attractions. Hashemi-Rafsanjani's term ends in
- two years, barring a constitutional amendment.
- The nature of the successor government is in the
- balance.